Wild Mania Safaris-Uganda Safaris, Uganda Tour Packages , Uganda Safaris

Alpha Sustainability Policy

Sustainable Tourism | Cultural Activities | Support to communities | Recommendations before visiting the country | Natural Areas and Conservation | Policies and Planning |

According to our Mission, we enforce our Managing Policy while considering our dynamic values of Excellence, Responsibility, Loyalty, Respect, Readiness, selective in our trade partnerships, only committing to tourism partners who share our sustainable values,

Offer Uganda as a sustainable destination by responsible marketing practices that ensure economic business sustainability with consistence and transparent in Company decisions and actions to fulfill our commitments with integrity.

Comply to and enforce the national and international legal applicable framework, considering labour, tourism, environmental and social issues, especially those in the company’s Sustainability Policy.

Protect environment by preventing our office and operational impacts, mitigating the inevitable impacts (including rational resources use, waste management and greenhouse gases emission) and reporting damaging practices such as pollution, artificial feeding and captivity or extraction of wild fauna and flora.

Safeguard people (clientele, staff, suppliers and others) maintaining proper safety practices and emergency plans.

Support the local economy, the traditions and local culture by promoting development on the communities hosting the operation, stimulating a proper interpretation of cultural and archaeological heritage, involving attractions and rescuing idiosyncrasy, artistic, sportive and local values.

Reject business related to illegal trafficking, illicit substance use, sexual harassment, minors’ sexual exploitation or terrorism, including compliance with the policies according to our General Business Ethics Policy.

Involve tourists on the hereby presented commitments and best practices, as required or applicable on their itinerary.

Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism consists on providing direct or indirect benefits to the communities that are visited. Whenever it is possible, this is done through sustainable activities that protect the environment and the participation in social projects that help local communities and protected areas, to always providing a high-quality service.

Being ecologically responsible on a trip doesn’t mean sacrificing the quality of the stay nor the travel plans. It basically consists on planning the visit in a more conscientious way.

We firmly believe the communities visited must get a direct benefit, whenever possible, through the sustainable trips, environment protection, and social projects.

General Information to be a sustainable tourist

  • When planning a trip, we are selective in our trade partnerships, only committing to tourism partners who share our values, whose service and conduct reflects our commitment to service and those who are consistent and transparent in their decisions and actions to fulfill our commitments with integrity
  • Use natural resources such as water and energy with moderation. Remember they are non-renewable resources.
  • Try to reduce the production of solid wastes since they are a source of pollution.
  • Always we consider recycling.
  • Always in a natural space, kindly make sure the only print you left is your footprint.
  • When buying souvenirs and gifts, look for those that are a true reflection of the local culture. It will benefit the economy of the visited community and will also promote cultural diversity.
  • Do not purchase any piece of flora or fauna, especially those species protected by the International Commerce Agreement of Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna. It is against the law, and your action will contribute to their extinction.
  • During your trip, enjoy exploring the culture, customs and traditions of the local communities. Please be respectful and try to get familiar with them. You will discover many interesting things.
  • Try to contribute to the development of the responsible and sustainable tourism while you travel, as a way to protect the planet.

Our contribution to create a sustainable experience

  • The company avoids gas emissions, damage to the environment, and pollution.
  • We carry out different activities that involve environmental conservation.
  • Wastes produced by the company are properly managed.
  • Alpha Adventure Safaris uses natural and biodegradable products.
  • We recycle.
  • The company implements special programs to save water and electrical energy.
  • We promote the country as well as the importance of protecting the natural resources.
  • We always minimize the size of the groups that visit protected areas is limited in order to minimize the impact of visitors.

Sustainability is promoted among clients, wholesalers, and suppliers.

Our clients are given opportunity to participate in conservation initiatives and communal development.

Our staff is in constant training on quality and sustainability.

The company fulfills the regulations of tourist enterprises, especially the ones regarding the environment, wildlife, archeological inheritance, and social security.

We promote the traditions of the country as well as the consumption of national products, meals, and crafts

Alpha Adventure Safaris is one of the tour operators in Uganda with Sustainable policy

Our commitment

Alpha Adventure Safaris is a tour operator concerned about the conservation of nature in Uganda; therefore, we help to protect the different regions and to maximize the benefits that tourists can provide to the communities they visit.

We are compromised with the idea of supporting a large number of responsible and ethical initiatives such as community tourism, environmental projects, and educational programs in different communities. We encourage our clients to visit many of these developed projects in places such as wildlife sanctuaries, schools, orphanages, and cooperatives.

We motivate our clients to visit the local communities. In this way, each community may get direct benefits from the visitors while getting authentic sources of knowledge of the local culture.

Based on the specific comments from our clients, in our personalized itineraries we recommend craft makers, stores, and other local companies that could receive benefits for their business. In this way, we promote local attractions, protection of the environment, and tourist services- including accommodations- in many destinations.

*Sustainable traveling and lodging are promoted in several destinations around the country.

What is AUTO?

It is an association of tour operators whose main purpose is to categorize and certify tourism companies based on administrative and operational considerations, and comparing them to an ideal model of sustainability. For this purpose, the companies are evaluated in the following areas:

Bio-physical environment:

It evaluates the interaction between the company and the surrounding natural environment, taking into account policy implementation, sustainability programs, and environmental protection, among others.

Service-Lodging Plants:

It evaluates some aspects related to systems and internal business processes, regarding waste management and utilization of technologies to save energy and water.

Tour Operator Service Management:

It refers to the process in which the company designs a tourist product consistent with the market tendencies and the characteristics of the destination in which the product will be used. It takes into account all the internal and external factors that may affect it.


It evaluates the interaction between the company and its clients, and how it invites the client to be an active participant in the implementation of sustainability policies of the company.

Social and Economical Surroundings:

It evaluates the identification and interaction of the company with the nearby communities by analyzing how enterprises influence the growth and development of the region; for example, by providing job opportunities in the company and looking for benefits for the local people.

Sustainability Levels

AUTO evaluates companies under a well-structured system for specific levels on a scale from 1 to 5. The process of integration and sustainability that enterprises must face in each of the levels results in an ideal company in terms of sustainability.

AUTO: 100% responsible tourism nowadays and in the future

AUTO, formed by representatives from the tourism sector and private is the entity in charge of assigning AUTO distinction. In addition, it has to monitor the companies certified with the logo so that they follow the established requirements in such a way that both the tourist and wholesale agents are confident that AUTO certified companies strictly follow business policies that consider aspects related to social responsibility, corporate business responsibility, and even more, sustainability.

Cultural Activities

Our Commitment

As a sustainable company, Alpha Adventure Safaris is concerned about the positive impact of the activities we carry out, which include respect and help to the communities we visit.

To make this possible, both cultural activities and visits to communities are fomented. Another way to accomplish this is via our clients who learn about the different cultures in Uganda. Once the customer has interacted in the community, he can tell his friends and relatives about his experience and promote the projects in his own country.

Support to the Community by Promoting ” Tours”

Visits to elementary schools and presentation of local dances performed by students.

Batwa community.

School visits

Visits to organic farms.

Visits to the coffee and tea plantations.

Information about Tourism Agencies

Tourism Agencies

Association of Uganda Tour Operators is formed by members and is recognized by Uganda Government.

They promote environmental, social, cultural, and economic development of the participant communities by training them to provide true experiences to the visitors.

Nowadays this is known as -Community Tourism.

Heritage Protection

Protection of the inheritance and respect for the culture and local communities

It is intended to motivate tourists towards social consciousness to defend our cultural legacies and promote access to different communities in order to benefit them by using all their resources and contribute to their economic development.


Do not take any piece found on the surroundings, since it may be a piece of archaeological and cultural heritage.

Respect the rights, customs, and values of the communities and their surroundings.

Do not participate on illegal commercialization. Always buy crafts and products that have no regulation: crafts, legal wood, and natural fibers.

We recommend visiting the museums in the capital, Kampala, in order to learn more about the Ugandan historical background.

Sponsored Project

Alpha Adventure Safaris, as a creator of the project “Friends of the Nature Uganda”, has sponsored communities with donations that contribute with their improvement of clean water.

Alpha Adventure Safaris supports environmental projects and community tourism, and sponsors schools that have low budgets.

We encourage our clients to visit wildlife sanctuaries and communities that reflect the roots of our country.

In addition, the company suggests its clients to contribute with social care institutions. Moreover, we help restaurants, shops, and other local businesses in order to benefit the communities directly.

In December 2017, Alpha Adventure Safaris sponsored the Christmas party for the of children of The Al-Angels Junior School.

Recommendations before visiting the country

Learn and investigate about culture and local traditions of the country that you plan to visit. A little time spent on research will be useful at the moment you get to the country. Learn about its languages; basic vocabulary and some slangs are going to make you feel more comfortable and will facilitate your communication on the visiting country such as Mzungu meaning white person. Also, you will discover differences between our culture and other cultures.

You can respect and contribute to take care of the local environment in many different ways. For example: avoid collecting any natural element from the forests, discard wastes properly, and recycle as much as possible.

At the hotel

Recommendations for Accommodations

If the hotel has recycling or sustainability projects, you should support them during your stay.

Remember to always turn off the lights and electrical appliances if you are not using them.

Water is a high valuable resource. Do not waste it.

Do not consume products made from endangered animals and plants.

Natural Areas and Conservation

Alpha Adventure Safaris is totally engaged on the promotion of responsible tourism. Our policies reinforce our commitment to:

Have well-trained tour guides and drivers.

Provide high-quality sustainable service.

Be founder and sponsor of “Friends of Nature Uganda”, a project of make easier lives in local community.

Encourage our clients to walk on paths when visiting a forest.

Remind our clients that the only thing that can be left behind is their footprint.

Encourage tourist not to extract any samples of flora and fauna, such as, flowers, seeds, and rocks, among others.

Avoid disturbing animals especially if they are wooing, spawning, or eating. We do not let our clients feed any species of animals.

Suggest our clients to hire local guides, buy local crafts, visit hotels and restaurants in the local areas, and support projects that benefit local communities.

Persuade our clients not to buy any plants or wild animals.

Recommend tourists to buy only those crafts made with natural products that were processed specifically for commercialization, or those products manufactured with renewable resources such as wood.

Be sensitive about local culture and traditions.

Interact with people of the local communities. This is the best way to get a nice touristic experience for all people involved.

 Support conservation programs.


Uganda the pearl of Africa is a landlocked country in East Africa whose diverse landscape encompasses the snow-capped Rwenzori Mountains and immense Lake Victoria. Its abundant wildlife includes chimpanzees as well as rare birds. Remote Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a renowned mountain gorilla sanctuary. Murchison Falls National Park in the northwest is known for its 43m-tall waterfall and wildlife such as hippos.


This is the most present substance on Earth, and it constitutes an ideal mean for living. Water is necessary for all living things, if we don’t have this natural resource the planet would not exist. Although we can live with only 5 liters or less water every day, we need much more than that to be healthy.

Responsible Practices concerning the use of water:

  • Know, register, and monitor water consumption.
  • Develop programs to rationalize and reduce water consumption.
  • Use mechanisms and systems for the effective use of the water.
  • Educate about the importance of saving water.
  • Ensure quality of water.
  • Purify water in an eco-friendly way. (control chlorine consumption).

Our practices

We encourage our collaborators to develop good practices to save water. Through training and based on our “Policy for Saving Water”, we promote awareness and ask our staff to put in practice actions that reflect their concern on this issue.


Renewable energy is characterized because the transformation and exploitation processes take long periods of time. Some examples of this kind of energy are hydraulic, solar, and wind power, among others. The production of this vital input in Uganda is based on hydraulic mechanisms, in which water is used but the water falls is not affected at all and also solar energy is more in the National parks.

Some responsible practices concerning the use of energy are:

  • Monitoring of energy consumption.
  • Complementation with systems of efficient energy use.
  • Active participation in preventive maintenance programs.
  • Awareness of having all computer equipment turned off when it is not in use.
  • Consciousness of unplugging electrical appliances when not in use to reduce the consumption of energy.
  • Promotion of the use of natural ventilation instead of using air conditioning systems.

Recommendations for Wildlife Conservation

  • Under any circumstance, consume, sell, traffic or exhibit products made from endangered species or articles that come from non-sustainable practices.
  • Artificial animal feeding is not allowed except feeding animals with their natural diet.
  • Do not keep wild animals in captivity, except for a zoo-shelter or reintroduction programs according to the law and good practices.
  • Do not commercialize any endangered species.
  • During your stay in Uganda, try to visit wildlife reserves, national parks, or other protected areas.
  • While visiting our national parks, follow the rules for the conservation of the flora and fauna.

Policies and Planning

Sustainable Policies in Alpha Adventure Safaris

Alpha Adventure Safaris is strictly committed with the principles of responsible tourism such as the application of the environmental laws and regulations concerning national parks and reserves, as well as the compliance of the general laws that regulate activities of tour operators.

  • We recommend hotels with sustainable and social responsibility.
  • We offer local guides and certified drivers, specially trained in sustainable aspects.
  • We support community tourism projects and regional arts and crafts shops.
  • We help charity organizations in different communities throughout the country.

If you want to help, you can do it by supporting “clean-trip” projects to reduce carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and to minimize harmful emissions. The collected funds will be used to support projects of wildlife protection and to contribute with special community projects.

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