Wild Mania Safaris-Uganda Safaris, Uganda Tour Packages , Uganda Safaris

28 Day Uganda Wildlife & Birding Safari 

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Tour Details

Uganda Birding Tour – Uganda Wildlife Safari & Uganda Cultural Tour.




Day 1.  Arrival.

On arrival at Entebbe International airport, you will be picked by our representative, your guide who will give you a briefing about your birding safari and then transfer to Lake Victoria View Guest House for dinner and overnight.


Day 2. Mabamba swamp – transfer to Lake Mburo NP.

Uganda Birding Safaris – Shoebill excursions at Mabamba wetland sanctuary – www.terrain-safaris.com

Shoebill Stork at Mabamba Wetland Sanctuary – Uganda.


After an early morning breakfast, you will leave for Mabamba swamp, birding en-route where you’re likely to encounter a number of bird species that include; the Red headed Lovebird, Black headed Oriole tawny franked Prinia, African marsh Harrier, Black Bishop, Lizard Buzzard, Ruppel’s  long tailed Starling, and the Broad billed Roller among others. You reach the swamp and take a canoe to the swamp in search for the rear Shoe billed stork. Along with the Shoebill, you are likely to encounter the orange weavers, Malachite King Fisher, African and Lesser Jacana, Purple Heron, Purple Swamphen, Black Crake, Weyns’s and Orange weavers among others.  We later transfer to Lake Mburo National Park arriving in the late afternoon and enter the Park with a mini game drive and later check in to the service of Rwakobo Rock for dinner and overnight.


Day 3. Game drive and boat cruise in Lake Mburo NP.

After an early morning breakfast, we go for the game drive in search for wildlife that includes the Zebras, Buffaloes, Impala, Elands, Klipspringers, Topies, Warthogs, Waterbucks, Bush Bucks, Dwarf Mangoose and Leopards among others. We also look for birdlife that includes the Emerald-spotted Wood-dove, Short-toed Snake-Eagle,Great Spotted Cuckoo, Double toothed, Red faced, Spot flanked and Crested barbets, African Snipe, Water Thick-knee, White winged Tit, Brown-backed Scrub-robin,Broad-tailed Whydah, Brown Parrot and Coqui Francolin among others. We go back to the Camp and have lunch, relax around and later in the afternoon go for a boat cruise on the lake in search for other wildlife that include the Crocodile, Hippos and the Black-headed, Lesser-masked, Golden-backed, Red-headed and Little Weavers, African Finfoot among others. Dinner and overnight at Rwakobo Rock.


Day 4.  Lake Mburo – Bwindi.

After breakfast, with our packed lunch, we will transfer to the Ruhija sector of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park, while birding en-route and some of the species we expect to encounter today include the Yellow Bishop, Handsome Francolin, Streaky Seed-eater, White-napped Raven, Yellow-bellied, Black-faced and Black-crowned Waxbill, White-stared Robin, Grey-throated Barbet and White-eyed Slaty-Flycatcher among others.


Day 5. Birding the Mubwindi swamp, Ruhija.

After an early breakfast, you will trek down the Mubwindi swamp in search for some of the Albertine Rift endemics and specialties including the Grauer’s broadbill, Grauer’s Rush Warbler, Archer’s Robbin Chat, Strange Weaver, Grey Cuckoo-shrike, Chetnut-throated, and Mountain masked Apalis, Yellow-streaked, Shelley’s, Red-tailed, Yellow-throated, Mountain and Honeyguide Greenbuls, Rwenzori Batis, Mountain Yellow Warbler, Great Blue, Black-billed and Rwenzori Turaco, Mountain Illadopsis, African Hill-Babbler, Purple-breasted, Regal, Rwenzori Double Collared and Blue-headed Sunbirds among others. Trekker’s Tavern Cottages.


Day 6. Gorilla trekking, Bwindi.

After breakfast, you will go to the park offices for registration and briefing before going for the memorable experience; the Gorilla trekking. The activity can last between 2-8 hours, so you need to prepare yourself both physically and mentally. This may be a bit hectic walking in mady and steep conditions and sometimes with rain over head, so it’s advisable to carry with you good walking boots and rain jackets. For conservation purposes the time spent with these massive apes is limited to one hour. Trekker’s Tavern Cottages.


Day 7. Birding the Ruhija area.

After breakfast, you will go birding along the main trail, in search for the species that we might have missed the previous day. Trekker’s Tavern cottages.


Day 8.  Transfer to Buhoma, Bwindi NP.

After breakfast, you will transfer to Buhoma with en-route birding at the neck of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park, in search for the Dusky  and Cassin’s Grey Flycatcher, Stripe Breasted Tit,Cinnamon-chested, White-throated and Black bee-eater Many coloured Bush-shrike,Cassin’s Hawk Eagle Olive and Western Bronze Naped pigeon among others. Arriving in the afternoon and check in to the service of Buhoma Community Rest Camp for dinner and overnight.


Day 9. Birding in the Buhoma main trail.

After breakfast, you will go birding in the main trail to the water fall, in search for the specialties that include the White bellied, Red-caped  and Blue-shouldered Robin Chat, Bar- tailed Tragon, Red Chested Owlet, Neumann’s and Black-faced Rufous Warbler, White Tailed Flycatcher, Olive Long –tailed Cuckoo, Pale breasted Illadopsis, Red-throated and Fire-crested Alethes, Collared, Yellow-breasted and Black-throated Apalis, Baglafecht, Yellow-mantled, Black-billed and Brown-caped Weavers, Narrow-tailed and Stuhlmann’s Starlings among others.You come back to the Camp, have lunch and later in the afternoon go for a farm walk in search for the Rufous-chested Fluff tail,  and the Bat Hawk among others. You come back to lodge for dinner and overnight.


Day 10. Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park.

After breakfast, you will transfer to the southern sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park,  (Ishasha) famous for the tree climbing Lions, birding en-route for the specialties that include  the Brown Chested Lapwing, Violet-backed and Wattled Starling, Garden, Broad-tailed,  Brown and Western Banded Snake-Eagles.check  in the services of mweya safari lodge.


Day 11. Game drive/birding in Ishasha area and transfer to Mweya.

After breakfast, with your packed lunch, you will do a game drive searching for the famous tree climbing Lions and other wildlife as well as birding. You later transfer to the northern sector of the park, arriving in the evening and check in to service of Mweya Safari Lodge for dinner and overnight.


Day 12. Game drive/birding in the Kasenyi plains – Boat cruise.

The day begins early with an early breakfast and then go for the game drive towards the Kasenyi plains in search for wildlife that includes the Buffaloes, Water Buck, Kobs, Hyenas, Warthogs, Lions and Leopards among others. And here you will like it because this Park is said to have the highest concentration of birdlife as compared to any Park in the World.  Among the birds we expect here are the Black and Black-Shouldered Kite, Black-chested Snake-Eagle, African Marsh, Motagu’s and Pallid Harriers, Black-Belied Bustard, Temminck’s Courser, Levaillant’s, Black-chested, Diederik and Klaas’s Cuckoo, Black and White-browed Coucal, Blue-naped and Specled Mousebird, Rufous-naped and Flappet Lark, Plain-backed and Grassland Pipit, Buff-belied, Wing-snapping and Croacking Cisticola, Fork-tailed Drongo, Grey-caped Warbler, African White-backed, Ruppell’s Griffon and Lappet-faced Vultures,Grey-backed and Common Fiscal, Black-headed and Papyrus Gonolek among others. We come back to the Lodge, relax around, have lunch and later in the afternoon at about 3:00pm, we go for the boat cruise on the Kazinga Channel for yet another but different view of the wildlife at close quarters as they come to cool off at the shores of the Channel. Here we expect a lot that include the Giant, Malachite, Woodland and Pied Kingfisher, Pink-back and Great White Pelican,Yellow-billed, African Open-billed, Saddle-billed Stork, African Spoonbill, Lesser Flamingo, Curlew Sandpipre, and African Skimmer among others. We come back later in the evening, dinner and overnight at Mweya Safari  Lodge.


Day 13.  QENP – Maramagambo.

After breakfast, we drive to Maramagambo Forest for a Nature walk/birding  in search for wildlife  that includes the Black & White Colobus, Red Tailed and  Velvet Monkeys,  Splendid Starling, Red Headed Bluebill, Benald’s Flycatcher,  Red Caped Robin Chat, and Red Tailed Bristalbill  among others.  In the walk we also visit the Bat cave that Houses millions of Egyptian Fruit Bats, we later transfer to Mweya Safari  Lodge for lunch, have a free afternoon, dinner and overnight.


Day 14.  QENP. – Kibale National Park.

After  breakfast we transfer to Kibale  National  Park  driving through  the  Crater Lakes region and  drive  North wards  along the  foot hills of  Rwenzori  Mountain   Ranges, these constitute the  western Rift Valley and form the boundary between Uganda and Congo. With en-route lunch at Kasese, arriving in the afternoon and check in to the service of Primate Lodge Kibale, have a free afternoon, dinner and overnight.


Day 15. Birding Kibale National Park – Bigodi wetland.

After breakfast  we slope down  to the Park Offices  for registration and briefing  before we  start the Trekking in one of  East Africa’s  oldest Forest with trees  as high as 50 meters .  The Trekking may take about three hours in search for Habituated Chimpanzees. The forest also harbors about five primate species that include the Black and White Colobus, Red Colobus, Red tailed, Lhotse’s Monkeys and Grey cheeked Mangbey.  It is also home to a variety of bird species including the rare Green Breasted Pita.  We come back to the Lodge, relax around, have lunch and later go for a nature walk in the Bigodi wetland which is also very rewarding. We come back to the Lodge for dinner and overnight.   Specialties that include the Green breasted Pitta, Black-and-white Shrike-flycatcher, Yellow-spotted and Yellow-billed Barbet, Willow and Black-caped Yellow Warbler, Olive-bellied, Red-Chested, Collared, Superb Sunbird among others.


Day 16. Birding Kibale Forest National Park.

After breakfast you will go birding along the the mail road in the morning and the Kanyancu area in the afternoon. Some of the species expected here are the Grey-headed, Red Chested, Collared, Olive Sunbird, Dinner and overnight at Primate Lodge Kibale.


Day 17. Transfer to Masindi (Budongo Forest).

After breakfast, you will transfer to Masindi, birding en-route with a lunch stop at Kagadi and latter proceed on, arriving Masindi in the evening and check in to the service of Masindi Hotel for dinner and overnight.


Day 18. Birding in Budongo Forest.

After an early breakfast, with your packed lunch, go for birding in the Royal Mile in the morning in search ofr the specialties that include the Jameson’s and Chestnut Wattle-eye, Ituri, Chin-spot, and Black-headed Batis, Scaly-breasted, Brown and Puvel’s Illadopsis, Lead-coloured, Sooty, Forest, Yellow-footed, Chestnut-caped Flycatcher, African Shrike-flycatcher, Green and Lemon-bellied Crombec, Grey-backed and Yellow-browed Camaroptera, Little Green, Olive-bellied and Collared Sunbird, Yellow-crested and Brown-eared Woodpecker, Red-tailed Bristlebill, Slender-billed, Yellow-whiskered, Yellow-throated,Little, Spotted and Honeyguide Greenbul, Western Nicator, White-headed and Black Saw-wing, Black-and-white Casqued and White-thighed Hornbill, African Emerald, Dusky Long –tailed and Klaas’s Cuckoo, Crowned Eagle, Blue-throated Roller, Narina Trogon, Blue-breasted, Chocolate-backed, African Pygmy and African Dwarf Kingfisher among others. You go back to the Hotel in the evening for dinner and overnight.


Day  19. Masindi  – Murchison Falls National Park. (Kaniyo-Pabidi)

After breakfast, we start our journey  heading for Murchison Falls National Park. We  enter the park through Kichombanyobo gate and go birding at Kaniyo Pabidi the eastern side of Budongo forest, for specialties that include the Puvel’s Illadopsis and fire-crested Alethe among others. We have our lunch and later visit magnificent falls where you will enjoy and marvel at the mighty River Nile being forced in a seven metres crevice to thunder 45 metres below the series of rapids  that can be seen from different points up to the summit and we later go and check into the service of  Nile Safari Lodge  for lunch, have a free afternoon, dinner and overnight.


Day 20.  Murchison Falls National Park – Boat cruise

After an early morning breakfast, we drive down to the ferry and cross the Nile to the Northern sector of the park where we shall do our game drive in search for wildlife that includes elephants, buffaloes, waterbucks, giraffes, oribis, hart beasts, Kobs, warthogs, lions, jackals, leopards according to the luck of the day and a variety of savannah and woodland birds can be seen. The drive normally takes 3 4 hours according to how much you see and the interest you have in them. We drive back to the camp, relax for a while, have lunch and then at 2:00pm we go for the boat cruise on close quarters as the animals draw down the river bank to cool off. Here you get a chance of seeing many schools of hippos, crocodile, buffaloes, elephants and a variety of water birds. We come back after about 3 hours to the Lodge for dinner and overnight.


Day 21. Murchison Falls –Kidepo Valley National Park.

After breakfast, you will do a mini game drive as you get out of  the Park through the Northern gate ( Wangkwa)  and  transfer to Kidepo Valley National Park, through Gulu and Kitgum birding en-route. Arriving in the evening and check in to the service of Apoka Lodge for dinner and overnight.


Day 22. Birding in Narusi valley- Kidepo NP.

After breakfast, you will go birding in the Narusi valley looking for some of the specialties in the Park that include the Swallow-tailed Kite, Superb, Wartled and Red winged Starlings, Hartlubs, Black-bellied and Kori Bustard, Common Rock Thrush, Black Eagle, Red- pate Cisticola, Northern White-crowned Shrike, Common Redstart, Nightinale, Green-backed Eremomela, Red-fronted Warbler and Fan-tailed Raven among others. We come back to the Lodge for lunch , relax around and later in the afternoon go for another game drive in the same valley, coming back to the Lodge in the evening for dinner and overnight.


Day 23. Birding in the Kidepo valley- Kidepo NP.

After breakfast, you will go birding in the Kidepo valley in looking for specialties that include the Black-breasted and d’Arnaud’s  Barbet, Pale Flycatcher, Grey-headed Batis, Brown Babbler and Rufous Chatterer, White-bellied Tit, Abyssinian Roller, Eurasian Hoopoe, Abyssinian Scimitarbill, Bruce’s Green Pigeon, Common Ostrich, Rose-ringed Parakeet, Purple Grenadier, Eastern Paradise Whydah, Harlequin Quail, Quail-plover, Clapperton’s and Ring-necked Francolin, Verreaux’s Eagle, Common and Fox Kestrel, Pygmy Falcon, Stone Partridge and Karamoja Apalis among others. You later come back to the Lodge in the evening for dinner and overnight.


Day 24. Walking Safari, Kidepo NP.

After breakfast, you will go for a nature walk in search for what we might have missed in the previous game drives. Dinner and overnight at Apoka Safari Lodge.


Day 25. Transfer to Soroti.

After breakfast, you will transfer Soroti  passing through Kit-gum and Lira with enroute lunch, arriving in the evening and check in to the service of Soroti Hotel for dinner and overnight.


Day 26. Boat cruise on Lake Bisina.

After breakfast, with our packed lunch, we will go and do a boat cruise on Lake Bisina in search for the Fox’s Weaver and the Lesser Jacana among others. We later drive on to Sipi, arriving in the evening and check in to the service of Sipi River Lodge for dinner and overnight.


Day 27. Transfer to Jinja.

After breakfast, you will transfer to Jinja, birding en-route, arriving in evening and check in to the service of Nile Harven for dinner and overnight.


Day 28. Activities in Jinja and transfer to Entebbe.

After breakfast you will visit the Source of the Nile and the Itanda Falls, have lunch and later transfer to Entebbe Airport for your flight home.(Depending on the time of your flight).

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