Wild Mania Safaris-Uganda Safaris, Uganda Tour Packages , Uganda Safaris

Chimpanzee Trekking Safaris in Uganda,

Chimpanzee Habituation Experience,is one of a lifetime experience you expect in Uganda that allows you visit chimpanzee habitration .During your tour, expect coming across the chimps de-nesting 05.30 to 06.30, before them throughout the day till they make new nests and the night around 19.00. The Habituation Experience by tourist for low season months of March, April, May and November

Where is the Best Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda?

Kibale Forest is the foremost place for chimpanzee tracking and the all-day Chimpanzee Habituation Experience (CHEX), but both can also be done in Budongo Forest (Budongo during the off-season) near Murchison Falls Park.

Kibale Forest is the foremost place for chimpanzee tracking and the all-day Chimpanzee Habituation Experience (CHEX), but both can also be done in Budongo Forest (Budongo during the off-season) near Murchison Falls Park.

Where is the Best Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda?

1.  Kibale Forest – Best Park for Chimpanzee Trekking:

For the Best Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda, it is  Kibale Forest that wins hands-down. If you want to see Chimpanzees on a Trek or during a all-day Chimpanzee Habituation Experience – Kibale Forest is the park for the Best Chimpanzee Tracking in Uganda, but not only in Uganda but all of East Africa.

None of our Clients have ever missed seeing the Chimpanzees in Kibale Forest, home more than 1,500 Chimpanzees plus 12 other primates making it a primate lover’s paradise.

Chimpanzee trekking permit price and cost issues

Chimpanzee trekking is the second best primate activity in Uganda. You too can participate in trekking habituated chimpanzees in Uganda by visiting one of the below places but each place has price issues and costs . The more you know about chimp trekking price and cost issues, the better

Chimpanzee trekking permit price and cost issues to consider

As part of your chimp trekking price and cost issues, You will need a chimpanzee permit whose costs differ from one place to another. You will need transport to and from where you will trek chimps as well as accommodation for at least one night.

Cost for a Chimpanzee Permit is 150 USD and includes park entrance on the day of the trek.

Kibale Forest is also the best park for the sought after all-day  Chimpanzee Habituation Experience – CHEX.

Kalinzu-Forest-Chimpanzees2. Kalinzu Forest –  (near Queen Elizabeth Park):

Kalinzu Forest is the 2nd  best area in Uganda for Chimpanzee Trekking.Since it is handled by the Forest Ministry – minimum age here is 12 years old and the price for permits is 30 USD.

It is near Queen Elizabeth Park and  Chimpanzee Trekking can be incorporated into a visit to Queen Elizabeth

The Chimpanzees here have been habituated by Japanese Researchers for over 20 years – there are no quality lodging facilities here so you have to stay in Queen Elizabeth Park and we will select a lodge near to Chimpanzee Trekking in Kalinzu Forest.

Budongo-Forest-near-Murchison-Falls3.  Budongo Forest – Murchison Falls:

Budongo Forest is the 3rd best place for Chimpanzee Trekking Safaris in Uganda. The probability of seeing them exceeds 80%.  The Price for permits is 80 USD plus 40 USD daily Murchison Falls Park Entrance.

Chimpanzee Trekking takes place in the morning and in the afternoon.  Habituation Experience during the off-season.

The project here is overseen by the Jane Goodall Institute and Uganda Wildlife Authority.

Budongo Foresst is near Murchison Falls Park in northern Uganda.

Kyambura-Gorge-Queen-Elizabeth-Park-Chimps4. Kyambura Gorge Chimpanzee Safaris (Queen Elizabeth Park):

Kyambura Gorge in Queen Elizabeth is the 4th best place for Chimpanzee Trekking Safaris in Uganda.

The Trekking down in a deep gorge and there is a smaller Chimpanzee Group found here.  For reliability of seeing them, we are dealing with about a 50% chance.

What might make up for it is the incredible scenery of the Gorge where you traverse rivers, forests, streams.

Many of our clients include both Kyambura Gorge and Kibale Forest for a Chimpanzee Trekking Safari.

Permits are 50 USD plus daily entrance of 40 usd.

chimpanzee-trekking-semliki5. Toro-Semuliki Wildlife Reserve Chimpanzee Trekking:

The Semuliki Wildlife Reserve is known for birding, tropical jungles, the Semliki River and more and more for Chimpanzee Trekking Safaris.

The Chimpanzees have been habituated by Indiana University who at times have worked under adverse conditions.

The Trek is quite long and you see other primates, a lot of birds that are found in the Congo and incredible scenery

Toro-Semuliki Wildlife Reserve is close to the Rwenzori Mountains Park, Queen Elizabeth Park, and Kibale Forest.

Primates walk (Chimpanzee tracking)

The most favourite of Kibale’s walks embarks on from the Kanyanchu Visitor center at 08.00 & 15.00 and lasts 2 to 3 hours. Chimpanzee are the most sought after primate by visitors, but you should look out for the black & white colobus, red tailed monkey or the grey cheeked mangabey. Your guides will be able to show you pittas & different bird species and will give details of the tradit of the plant species within the forest. This walk is for 6 people in a group. Advance booking is all-important especially during peak sea.

Chimpanzee tracking has rules and regulations to follow

A distance of just about 8m is very important between you and the chimps.

People with diseases such as flue or diarrhea may not allowed in the park.

Avoid eating near the chimps.

Children below the age of 12 are prohibited from entering the park.

Guide is the only one to help get access to the forest.

Chimps need freedom therefore no provoking them once you enter the park.

Flash photography are not allowed in the park.

The most favorite activity in the park is the Chimpanzee tracking in Uganda. Starts from Kanyanchu Visitor Center at 08.00 & ends at 15.00 and lasts 2-3 hours. The Primates are searched down by visitors during the tracking. These include black & white Colobus, grey cheeked Mangabey, red tailed monkey. Your guides will show you pittas along with other bird species & will explain the tradit of different plant species within the forest. This walk is for 6 individuals per tour group. Advance booking is all-important during peak sea:

Chimpanzee tracking

Chimpanzee tracking actually is a very fascinating experience. Prepare today and set out to Uganda’s Kibale all natural jungle today as you spend a number of hours tracking these impressive creatures. You will be allowed to spend some time (at most an hour) with our mesmerizing relatives, as you observe them swing from one tree to another, feed, play about or progress speedily on the ground right in front of you.

Chimpanzees as well as humans share over 98 percent of their DNA.

However these being wild animals, chances of spotting these chimps are not always guaranteed although they are over 95% within the Kibale Forest, hence making it the most perfect destination in the whole of East Africa for chimpanzee tracking.

It is in addition probable to take part in the fascinating habituation experience, meaning that you can actuallty get a chance to spend the entire day with this impressive creatures.

However, because the  number of chimpanzee  trekking permits for each day is restricted, you are greatly advised to book in advance to your safari date.

Normally lunch boxes may be offered to the trekkers that are taking part in the habituation process sinc it requires the entire day.

Important to Note is that 15 years is the minimum age allowed to take part in the chimpanzee tracking experience

What to carry for chimpanzee trekking

Wear shoes that have a good grip, suitable for climbing steep moist muddy slopes

A number of people actually feel more at ease when wearing clothes that are long sleeved as this will protect them from the pricking thickets as they move through the verdant jungle

Do not forget a rain gear, since the weather here is highly unpredictable

Bring enough drinking water plus snacks to bite on

Carry a pair of binoculars

If taking photos, keep in mind that your subjects are actually black animals living within dim light, so camera flashes is strictly not permitted. Better to have a fast film (of 400 – 800 ASA) or even utilize the settings on your camera.

About Chimpanzees

The average weight of an adult well grown male chimpanzee is between 35 and 70 kilograms, with a height of approximately 3 meters whereas tan adult female chimpanzee weighs between 26 and 50 kilograms and a height between 2 and 4 feet.

A chimpanzee’s life expectancy is at 40 years whereas that for those living in captivity can extend up to 60 years.

In Uganda today, Efforts to actually conserve the chimpanzees are extensively acknowledged and well supported.  Actually The Jane Goodall Foundation has played a major role in the overall conservation of not only these Chimpanzees but the Gorillas as well found in Uganda. By going for chimpanzee tracking, you directly contribute to the conservation efforts.

Chimpanzees are the closest relatives to humans sharing about 98% of their DNA composition with humans.  They are Sociable, intelligent as well as communicative and among their very fascinating traits is the ability to utilize tools like rocks for crushing nuts, empty pods for hollowing out water plus sticks for capturing termites from their holes. These skills are for long been passed on from generation to another and researchers say that different troops have specialist tasks, basing on their habitat as well as diet.

Chimps stay in groups of 10 – 100 members. They can babysit each other’s young, kiss, groom one another and even hold hands. The young chimps become independent at the age of 4 year. Nonetheless, chimps can be aggressive and unsociable, mainly if disturbed.

Although they spend some time on ground, they normally feed and do make their sleeping nests up in the trees. Their diet varies comprising of leaves, seeds, fruit plus flowers.

Other parks Where to See the Primates in Africa

Nyungwe Forest National Park

Bwindi Forest Gorillas

Rwanda Gorillas

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